Posts Tagged: 18th century valentines

Vintage Valentines Printable Project!

It seems like Christmas was just yesterday, and yet St. Valentine’s day is coming up quicker than — a jackrabbit… being chased by a wet dog… Or something very quick to that effect. (Remind me to brush up on my similes. And my smilies, while I’m at it. ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜€ +).. no wait…

I always seem to leave my SV’sD preparations until just before the big day (read: a few hours before…), so this year I’ve decided I need to get ready early. Where better to start than with a batch of good old fashioned Valentines?

These vintage cuties come from Flickr user takeabreak‘s awesome collection of public domain vintage ephemera. Feel free to get crafty and print these out for your sweetie, or your little sweeties. Heck, since they’re this adorable, you might even be moved to give one to that woman who’s always taking your spot in yoga class. I mean, you’ve got theย whole room, Sheila… ANYWAY. Enjoy.